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Sad Bears Waited 10 Years For Someone To Save Them From Cage

Across the country, hundreds of bears spend their lives confined to small concrete-floored enclosures or pits in roadside zoos, devoid of any comfort or outlets for engaging in natural behavior.

KRISTEN WARFIELD: ‘For the past decade, Ben and Bogey have only seen the world from behind bars. Trapped in a roadside zoo in North Carolina, the two bears spent every day locked in separate cages so paying guests could watch them and take pictures. Bogey paced back and forth on the concrete floors of her cage all day, desperately biting the bars in frustration. Ben, on the other hand, was suffering from arthritis and sores on his face that received little to no veterinary attention. He spent most days just lying still from the pain. The bears were so miserable there — but luckily, help was on the way.

PETA stepped in to rescue the bears and arranged a wonderful new home for them at the Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado. Now, after a year with expert care and room to roam free, they’re like completely different animals… At the sanctuary, both bears spend their days swimming, playing and foraging — something they’ve likely not done their entire lives… “Across the country, hundreds of bears spend their lives confined to small concrete-floored enclosures or pits in roadside zoos,” PETA’s Catie Cryar said. “Their lives are typically devoid of any comfort or outlets for engaging in natural behavior”.’ SOURCE…


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